
Archive for the ‘Halo Stunting’ Category


April 9, 2013 Leave a comment

Deadpoint Banner

Three days ago I released my first trick jumping video, entitled Deadpoint.  This video was of course a Halo: Combat Evolved (PC) video, as that’s pretty much the only Halo game I play actively.  The video was largely comprised of aided jumps, vertical and horizontal stacks, plus a little bit of mixup with launches and such things.  There wasn’t much unaided, as I personally find unaided jumps in Halo PC to be a bit dull.

If you haven’t already seen it, here’s a linky dink.


The Story

Deadpoint was inspired by slYnki’s Just Jump videos, primarily Just Jump 2.  If you haven’t seen these videos you really should check them out:

Just Jump 1

Just Jump 2

Upon seeing Just Jump 2 I thought slYnki was really onto something cool, and was amazed at how much was becoming possible in Halo 1, of all games!  I mean, I’d seen plenty of trick jumping videos from other games, but I had always thought Halo 1’s physics just didn’t support the kind of crazy map-crossing, rubble-jumping, teamwork-oriented jumps which made jumping in those games awesome.

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Categories: Halo Stunting

Base Pimping on BG

May 4, 2012 Leave a comment

April 21st, 2012:

After hosting another Halo Event I decided to do some base pimping.  This is a pretty impressive assortment of balances and insides on Blood Gulch.  There’s a total of 27 unique stunts here.  Some you could learn in a fairly short period of time, like 30 minutes to an hour, but most of them are extremely difficult and would take considerable experience to learn, and even then a fairly large chunk of time.

Some of these stunts were new (as far as I’m aware) at the time that I made this base [the Tank Balance on Big Pillar (Side) and the Hog Balance on Small Pillars (Wheels Diagonal)].  Take a look and enjoy.  You’ll see this footage (and more footage of this base including closeups) again when I release my promo for the Halo events I’ve been hosting.

Categories: Halo Stunting

Types of Halo Stunts

July 7, 2011 1 comment


It’s been awhile, but I now have something great to post about. I have found that I consistently need to explain what types of stunts there are in Halo: Combat Evolved (PC). So I decided I’d make a great explanation here on my Blog and just link people to it, rather than re-typing an explanation over and over.




Balances are stunts that involve Balancing vehicles at odd or unnatural angles. The picture to the left shows a Ghost Nose Balance. There are two major types of Balances: Object Balances and Floor Balances.

Object Balances

Balances that involve balancing vehicles on objects such as rocks, pillars, portals, and the like. Examples: Hog Balance on Tree Branch,Leaning Ghost Wing Balance on Rock, Banshee Balance on Small Pillar (Side), Tank Balance on Big Pillar (Back Lean)

Floor Balances

Balances that involve balancing vehicles on flat ground, on the “floor” of the map so to speak. Examples: Banshee Tail Balance, Tank Nose Balance, Tank Side Balance.



Insides are stunts that involve forcing a vehicle or player to break the collision geometry of the level, or to get inside of an object. For instance, one can force a Hog into a wall, as shown to the left, or get a player inside of a rock.

Vehicle Insides

Insides that involve getting vehicles inside of things. Examples: Hog Inside Red Base Tree, Ghost in Portal (Wing Tips A), Tank in Base Wall (Middle B)

Player Insides

Insides that involve getting players or other actors inside of objects. Examples: Inside Rock, Inside another Rock, Inside Pillar, Inside Banshee in Pillar



Launches are stunts that involve launching a player or vehicle at a considerable velocity through the air. The image to the left shows a Long Distance SPFR Launch right after the main explosion.

Explosion Launches

Launches that involve using explosives to propel vehicles or players through the air. Examples: SPFR Launch Crest, PPPR Flip Launch.

Respawn Launches

Launches that involve respawning vehicles inside of each other to propel vehicles or players through the air. (Sorry, no pictures yet!)

Warp Launches

Launches that involve utilizing lag to “warp”. Examples: Tank~Tank Force Launch (You can see the launched Tank in the distance)



Ledges are stunts that involve moving around outside of the level’s geometry on lines/points of solidity. Ledges often involve walking inside of walls or on top of ceilings. The image to the left shows a ledge in a wall on Ice Fields.

Ceiling Ledges

Ledges that primarily involve moving about on points or lines of solidity above an area. Characterized by non-sloping lines. Examples: Behind Longest Ladder, Ledge Above Red Base, Large Window Ledge.

Wall Ledges

Ledges that primarily involve moving about on lines of solidity inside of walls. Characterized by sloping lines. Examples: Ledge to Top of Map, Ledge in Blue Base Cave.



Locations are stunts that involve getting a player or vehicle to a location that the game designers never intended to be reachable. Such as the top of a tree (left), on a cliff outside the map, or the bottom of a deep pit. Locations often involve bypassing barriers or launching.

Player Locations

Locations that involve getting a player to a location that the game designers never intended them to reach. Examples: Outside Death Island, Blue Base Cliff.

Vehicle Locations

Locations that involve getting a vehicle to a location that the game designers never intended it to be able to reach. Examples: Hog on Tall Pillar, Floating Ghost Platform.



Miscellaneous stunts are those stunts which don’t fall into any of the other groups. These stunts range from making objects float on invisible barriers (like the Skullhead stunt, pictured to the left), to walking on walls.

Examples: Floating Hog, No Weapons, Overhang Wall Walk, Skullhead.








And that’s it! If you have any more questions feel free to ask below!

My next Halo Stunting blog post will be on Static State Theory. Look forward to seeing it soon!


Categories: Halo Stunting